how to use tmdx to write your posts
this post will show you how to use tmdx editor, it's also your default template

What's tmdx editor
tmdx is a markdown editor that has AI completion feature, you can use it to write your posts easily. markdown is a text format that is easy to read and write, you can use it to write your posts, notes, etc. before process on I hope you can read the markdown syntax
Review of markdown syntax
[link text](

| Header One | Header Two |
| :------------- | :------------- |
| Item One | Item Two |
console.log('Hello, World!');
Math Expression
We use mathjax to render math expression, you can use latex syntax to write math expression.
Just put expressions inside the $$
Task list
It's a note
Here is a warning message
warning message!!!
What if I forget the syntax? Don't worry, tmdx will help you! Ask AI for help! For example, if you forgot how to create a table, you say "how to create a table in markdown", AI will give you the answer. Or just simply type "2x2 table" in the editor, AI will complete the table syntax for you.
Why choose tmdx
You may have used github copilot, cursor, etc. they are all AI code completion tools, but they are for code, not for markdown. You may have used microsoft office 365 copilot, but it's for word, not for markdown, not easy for web publishing.
If you are a content creator, you may need a tool that can help you write your posts quickly, tmdx is the tool you need.
Basic structure of tmdx markdown file
We use yaml frontmatter to store metadata of the post, such as title, slug, description, tags, cover, etc. after the yaml frontmatter, we use markdown syntax to write the content of the post.
So the basic structure of tmdx markdown file is:
title: how to use tmdx to write your posts
slug: how-to-use-tmdx-editor
description: this post will show you how to use tmdx editor
tags: [tmdx, markdown, editor]
cover: /post-cover1.png
The frontmatter part should be at the beginning of the file, and the content part should be after the frontmatter.
The content part is the main part of the post, you can use markdown syntax to write your content.
How to use AI completion
AI completion is a builtin feature, when you typing, we will use AI to give you some suggestions. If you like the suggestion, you can press the tab key to accept it. If you don't like it, just keep typing, the suggestion will disappear.
How to talk to AI
Except for realtime AI completion, you can also talk to AI in the chat tab. You can ask AI some questions, and AI will give you the answer. We have some builtin models, deepseek and GLM for text to text generation, and flux and cogview for image generation. cogvideox for video generation.
Both AI completion and AI chat uses third party paid API, if you like these features, please upgrade to paid plan to support us!
How to use Gallery
We have a gallery for you to store images, videos, pdfs, etc. you can upload your files to the gallery, and then insert them into your posts. Upgrade files to gallery is easy, you can:
- Use the uploada button to upload files
- Drag and drop files to the editor
- Drag and drop files to the gallery
- Copy and paste files to the editor
Also we will upload the AI generated images, videos to your gallery, so you can use them in your posts.
Save the post
After you finish writing your post, you can click the save button to save the post. We will save the post to the database, You can also use the Ctrl+S shortcut to save the post. After saved the post is in draft status, only you can see it. If you think the post is ready to publish, you can click the publish button to publish the post, then everyone can see it.
Read in other languages
You write the post in you native language, we have a builtin language detector to detect the language of the post and will automatically translate it to various languages like English, French, Spanish, Chinese, etc. So you can acquire global readers.
These are all the tmdx features, if you like it, please support us.